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Elsyca V-PIMS
A revolution in digital PIMS combining Pipeline Corrosion Integrity Management System (PIMS) and computational modeling capabilities
Elsyca IRIS
Deep analysis of AC threats supporting efficient mitigation systems computer-aided design
Elsyca CatPro
Graphical simulation platform for cathodic protection and DC stray current analysis of pipeline networks
Elsyca CPManager
3D CAD-based software simulation platform for the computer-aided design and analysis of cathodic protection installations
Elsyca ACTA
Unique solution offering accurate, disambiguated, and tailored risk ranking report of pipeline networks
Elsyca PlatingManager
Leverage a digital twin of your plating line to predict plating performance and increase manufacturing capacity
Elsyca PCBBalance
The world’s only PCB DFM software that applies automated and optimized copper balancing to your PCB design and panel layout.
Elsyca PCBPlate
State-of-the-art graphical simulation platform for enhancing the plating performance of your PCB panel and pattern plating processes.
Elsyca ECoatMaster
CAD independent software platform for the simulation of the automotive electrocoating process of a body-in-white (BIW).
Elsyca EPOS
Simulate the performances of electropolishing processes based on a virtual mock-up of the electropolishing cell.
Elsyca AnodizingManager
State-of-the-art graphical simulation platform for analyzing the production performance and quality of anodizing processes.
Elsyca CorrosionMaster
CorrosionMaster identifies corrosion hot spots and predicts corrosion rates, enabling engineers to look at alternative material combinations and/or coating systems, or investigate corrosion-mitigating measures.
Elsyca LeakageMaster
Improve vehicles interior acoustic comfort by performing upfront virtual smoke tests.
Elsyca MeshingMaster
Automatically creates meshes for a variety of applications such as acoustics, CFD, thermal analysis, etc
Elsyca XPlorer
Interactive simulation results viewer for Finite Elements results
Elsyca XPlorer3D
Analyze, Understand and Get Immersed in your results

Post-processing surface treatment in the age of 3D printing: Electropolishing know-how (AEROMAT 2023)

AEROMAT 2023 presentation

Post-processing surface treatment in the age of 3D printing: Electropolishing know-how (AEROMAT 2023)

Post-processing surface treatment in the age of 3D printing: Electropolishing know-how (AEROMAT 2023)

Aga Franczak; Paulo Vieira; Bart van den Bossche, Elsyca NV.


3D printing is a new technological trend in manufacturing components relatively quick, in small batches and with a high degree of flexibility. Nevertheless, printing process itself is not the last step in producing components: after a part comes out of the printer it needs to be subjected to one or more surface treatment processes, depending on its application. Choice of the proper surface finishing treatment of the 3D printed parts should then be a part of the design process far before the actual part will be printed, as that step will have a direct impact on the product functionality. One of the characteristic features of the 3D printed parts is their rough surface which, in many sensitive applications e.g. medical, needs to be brought down to relatively low tolerances in order to minimize the potential for lumen trauma. In addition, many of these components occur in complex confined geometries which hinder uniform smoothing of the active surfaces. In order to rule this out, an electrolytic polishing treatment seems to be the ideal solution:

Electropolishing is the state-of-the-art surface finishing process for the components characterized by complex shapes and high surface roughness. The process removes burrs, micro-cracks and surface impurities created through 3D printing, providing excellent edge rounding, required smoothness and enhanced corrosion resistance. Nevertheless, the major challenge of the process is its effectiveness, which relies on a proper control of the current density distribution and electrolyte refreshment over the part: localized high current density areas will lead to an excessive local metal removal rate, thereby, compromising the dimensional tolerances of the part. A Computer Aided Engineering may serve in this case, as fast and robust performance analysis of an electropolishing process. This briefing will explain into details the importance of a CAE approach in the surface treatment of AM parts.

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