Discover our complete solutions portfolio covering Cathodic Protection and Corrosion management - PCB design and plating - Functional and decorative plating - Electrocoating - Acoustics
Elsyca V-PIMS
A revolution in digital PIMS combining Pipeline Corrosion Integrity Management System (PIMS) and computational modeling capabilities
Elsyca IRIS
Deep analysis of AC threats supporting efficient mitigation systems computer-aided design
Elsyca CatPro
Graphical simulation platform for cathodic protection and DC stray current analysis of pipeline networks
Elsyca CPManager
3D CAD-based software simulation platform for the computer-aided design and analysis of cathodic protection installations
Elsyca ACTA
Unique solution offering accurate, disambiguated, and tailored risk ranking report of pipeline networks
Elsyca PlatingManager
Leverage a digital twin of your plating line to predict plating performance and increase manufacturing capacity
Elsyca PCBBalance
The world’s only PCB DFM software that applies automated and optimized copper balancing to your PCB design and panel layout.
Elsyca PCBPlate
State-of-the-art graphical simulation platform for enhancing the plating performance of your PCB panel and pattern plating processes.
Elsyca ECoatMaster
CAD independent software platform for the simulation of the automotive electrocoating process of a body-in-white (BIW).
Elsyca EPOS
Simulate the performances of electropolishing processes based on a virtual mock-up of the electropolishing cell.
Elsyca AnodizingManager
State-of-the-art graphical simulation platform for analyzing the production performance and quality of anodizing processes.
Elsyca CorrosionMaster
CorrosionMaster identifies corrosion hot spots and predicts corrosion rates, enabling engineers to look at alternative material combinations and/or coating systems, or investigate corrosion-mitigating measures.
Elsyca LeakageMaster
Improve vehicles interior acoustic comfort by performing upfront virtual smoke tests.
Elsyca MeshingMaster
Automatically creates meshes for a variety of applications such as acoustics, CFD, thermal analysis, etc
Elsyca XPlorer
Interactive simulation results viewer for Finite Elements results
Elsyca XPlorer3D
Analyze, Understand and Get Immersed in your results

How to effectively identify and mitigate acoustic leakages via upfront CAE simulations?

Acoustic leakages can have a severe impact on vehicles' quality index. The ability to identify acoustic leakages early in the design cycle via simulation ensures the most effective mitigation strategies are adopted.

How to effectively identify and mitigate acoustic leakages via upfront CAE simulations?

Cabin interior acoustic comfort is an essential pillar of vehicles’ comfort. With the electrification of the transportation industry, NVH designers and engineers have to deal with new interior acoustic landscape. Their efforts should not be jeopardized because of acoustic leakages that could have been identified at the very beginning of the structural design process.

Context & Challenges

The replacement of IC engines with electric engines introduces new acoustic sources and makes previously masked noise sources (exterior tire and wind noise or interior AC noise) more apparent.

Part of these noise sources can be brought inside the vehicle via acoustic leakages, also known as airborne leakages. These leakages can have a significant impact on the quality index of the
vehicle, affecting both the driver’s and passenger’s experience. 

On the other hand, airborne leakages are actually part of a vehicle design: the interior cavity cannot be pressurized and it is required to have an air leakage from the passenger compartment to the outside of the vehicle. Therefore, NVH engineers do have to work closely with body and chassis designers to ensure that nondesired leaks are identified and dealt with as early as possible in the design cycle. 

Being able to measure, identify and locate the number of nondesired leaks is a cumbersome task, considering the complexity of the BIW structure and its components. When a leak is found, it can be difficult to assess how and where to seal it, so that it can be integrated into the manufacturing process in the most effective way. 

To solve these challenges, Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) solutions are used in order to provide time- and cost-effective methods in assessing and mitigating recognized leaks based on
the structural design of a BiW. 

Elsyca’s solution

In order to help vehicle designers and NVH engineers to collaborate as early as possible on the identification of undesired air leakage and the design of effective mitigation systems, Elsyca introduced the Elsyca LeakageMaster, a robust and dedicated CAE solution for acoustic leakage paths identification and mitigation. 

Developed in cooperation with Volkswagen, Elsyca LeakageMaster is a unique simulation technology able to identify possible acoustic leakages and evaluate countermeasures without costly physical approaches. 

The workflow, articulated around 4 steps, is detailed in the following paragraphs, where required inputs and outcomes of each step are illustrated on an industrial vehicle model.

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