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Elsyca V-PIMS
A revolution in digital PIMS combining Pipeline Corrosion Integrity Management System (PIMS) and computational modeling capabilities
Elsyca IRIS
Deep analysis of AC threats supporting efficient mitigation systems computer-aided design
Elsyca CatPro
Graphical simulation platform for cathodic protection and DC stray current analysis of pipeline networks
Elsyca CPManager
3D CAD-based software simulation platform for the computer-aided design and analysis of cathodic protection installations
Elsyca ACTA
Unique solution offering accurate, disambiguated, and tailored risk ranking report of pipeline networks
Elsyca PlatingManager
Leverage a digital twin of your plating line to predict plating performance and increase manufacturing capacity
Elsyca PCBBalance
The world’s only PCB DFM software that applies automated and optimized copper balancing to your PCB design and panel layout.
Elsyca PCBPlate
State-of-the-art graphical simulation platform for enhancing the plating performance of your PCB panel and pattern plating processes.
Elsyca ECoatMaster
CAD independent software platform for the simulation of the automotive electrocoating process of a body-in-white (BIW).
Elsyca EPOS
Simulate the performances of electropolishing processes based on a virtual mock-up of the electropolishing cell.
Elsyca AnodizingManager
State-of-the-art graphical simulation platform for analyzing the production performance and quality of anodizing processes.
Elsyca CorrosionMaster
CorrosionMaster identifies corrosion hot spots and predicts corrosion rates, enabling engineers to look at alternative material combinations and/or coating systems, or investigate corrosion-mitigating measures.
Elsyca LeakageMaster
Improve vehicles interior acoustic comfort by performing upfront virtual smoke tests.
Elsyca MeshingMaster
Automatically creates meshes for a variety of applications such as acoustics, CFD, thermal analysis, etc
Elsyca XPlorer
Interactive simulation results viewer for Finite Elements results
Elsyca XPlorer3D
Analyze, Understand and Get Immersed in your results

Taking electroplating processes to the next level via Computer Aided Engineering approach (AEROMAT 2023)

AEROMAT 2023 presentation

Taking electroplating processes to the next level via Computer Aided Engineering approach (AEROMAT 2023)

Taking electroplating processes to the next level via Computer Aided Engineering approach (AEROMAT 2023)

Aga Franczak; Paulo Vieira; Bart van den Bossche, Elsyca NV.


Electrochemical deposition of metal coatings has many advantages, e.g. low-cost, thickness of the coating can be controlled by adjusting the electrochemical parameters, higher deposition rates in comparison to physical deposition methods can be achieved. Nevertheless, a common obstacle in an efficient electroplating process is a complex geometry of the parts to-be-plated. For instance, in case of Zn-Ni coatings deposited onto parts with important 3D topology of the surfaces subjected to plating, severe problems with the non-uniformity of current density, layer thickness distribution and deposit composition can be expected. This cannot be simply solved by changing the electrodeposition parameters: the over- and underplated areas, even if in different dimensions, will still exist within the part. Therefore, a dedicated conformal tooling structure must be designed in order to rule out the encountered non-uniformities.

Standard practice applies empirical and “by experience” methods to rule out the non-uniformity issues, taking months for tooling design & manufacturing and wet test runs, and even then, process performance might be still surprising. This can be changed when relying on a Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) approach which allows to assess process risk issues and eliminate them before any actual process will take place:

CAE approach uses a virtual mock-up of the real-life plating line infrastructure in order to provide information on the current density and metal layer thickness distributions over a 3D computer model of the part to-be-plated. Thus, detail overview on the low and high current density areas is obtained upfront and can be quickly addressed by developing a proper mitigation strategy composed of adequate active tooling components and process parameters. The entire guess-work in this case, is replaced with the exact know-how on the process and right-first-time production achieved within days rather than extensive weeks.

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